Seminarium z Topologii Algebraicznej
12:00-14:00, sala 5050 (joint with Algebraic Geometry Seminar)

Paul Baum

K-homology is the dual theory to K-theory. In algebraic geometry, if X is a projective algebraic variety, the K-homology of X is the Grothendieck group of coherent algebraic sheaves on X. In topology, K-homology is the homology theory given by the 2-periodic spectrum which is alternately ZxBU and U. This talk will describe two applications of K-homology: #1. Riemann-Roch for singular projective algebraic varieties, #2. index formula for a class of non-elliptic differential operators. The above is joint work with W. Fulton, R. MacPherson, E. van Erp.

Strona seminarium